TOPIK Class Day 6 review :: Wh-question sentence in Korean) interrogative sentence and essential words NOUN TOPIK Class Day 6 review :: Wh-question sentence in Korean) interrogative sentence and essential words NOUN - Keducation

안녕하세요~ 6일차 수업에 대한 리뷰 포스팅이 조금 늦었습니다. Hello everyone, it was a bit late for the review of day 6 class. We did some interrogative sentences and essential vocabularies, secially nouns in the last class. Here are what you have learnd. I summed up the expressions which we spoke out together using the words too.

라면: 소미씨 왜 라면 먹어요?  집 = Home, House  왜 집에 가요? 밥 = a meal  어디에서 밥을 먹었어요? 무슨 = what (unlike 무엇(noun), it is an adjetive even if it has a same meaning with 무엇, 뭐)   무슨 일을 해요 = what job do you work at? (literally speaking). You can understand it means like what do you do for a living ? And you learnd some endings (particles) ~ 에서, ~ 러, ~로 in the class. ~에서 indicates places, ~러 = in order to  or for the purpose of, ~로 = by 

let's make examples.


English has lots of prepostions but thera are many postpositions in Korean.


Also, you got qestions from me. 무슨 계절이 좋아요?     왜 배고파요  ?   무슨 색 좋아해요?  몇 살 이예요? and you learned 감기에 걸리다. = catch a cold   추워요 (춥다) = feel cold , 김밥, 떡볶이, 순대 (김떡순). at the ending of the class, finally you found out how to count the things in Korean from 1 to 10. 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열. (0 is 영, 공 in Korean) I told you that you need to be careful from 하나 to 넷 because they will be changed with 개(counting unit to count small things) 한 개, 두 개, 세 개, 네 개. This is a very importan way to count things in Korean.




Othe words you heard are 사무실(office) and 번호 (number).  Numbering is different from counting as you know. You try to read numbers in Korean and to count things using ~ 개 as you praticed some with me in the class.

It will be quite confusing at the beginning but will be getting better and better when you speak out over and over again. Hope that you can let me know your phone number in Korean soon. This will be a question in the next class.

전화 번호가 뭐예요?  제 전화 번호는 000-0000 이에요. That's all . We see you in the class, 안녕~

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