TOPIK class Day 4 :: Types of listening questions TOPIK class Day 4 :: Types of listening questions - Keducation

안녕~ 지민, 소미 잘 지내지? Hi all my students. Hope you all are fine. Finally, we started to learn the types of listening question in TOPIK exam. As below, these are new vocabularies you learned in the class and I summed the type 1 up again for your review.

For the type 1 of listening question,  you need to listen a simple sentence and to choose the anwer which can be correct for a short converstaion. the sentences that you will hear will be a question, a favor, a suggest, and an apology etc. After listening to the questions, you should guess or figure out which sentence out of 4 short answers will be correct. I did explain that the type 1 of listening questions would be for asking Yes or No!

Vocabularies ::  주말 (weekend), 약속 (promise) 약속 could be a same meaning as a plan, a schedule, and an appointment in the context in Korean.  누구, 누가 (Who), 언제 (When), 어디 (where), 무엇, 뭐 (what), 왜 (why), 어떻게 , 얼마 (How), 어느 (Which)


Yes, No answer type





Wh- question words (interrogative)



I attached 2 listening files for your review or going over them again.




And I explained some basic grammar stuffs in the class specially emphasizing importance of endings and particles in Korean. Please try to remember these 2 endings in this posting. '-이 / -가 ' indicates the subject in the sentence, placing after a noun as you already know. They are NOMINATIVE(subjective) postpostion particles (endings) and the reason there are two endings for indicating the subject in the sentence is that '-이' is added when the last syllable of the noun ends with a consonant and '-가' is added when the last syllable of the noun ends with a vowel. However I didn't explain it because I don't want you to focus on grammar while learning Korean even if you are studying TOPIK. When you pratice reading and listening, you will get used to the sounds of '-이' and '-가' and feel which ending is good for the word you are using. We know it will take some time to get used it. But this way is the best for you. Please refer to grammar when you are really confused what to do. We also have '-은 / -는' as endings for indicating subject in the sentence. I will do teach you how they are different from '-이, -가' in the class.


한국어는 재미있어요. It is fun to learn Korean

그럼 수요일 수업에서 봐요~ See you in the class on Wed

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