How to Pass TOPIK :: Learn the types of questions given How to Pass TOPIK :: Learn the types of questions given - Keducation


Hello there!. In this posting, I will show the types of questions in  TOPIKⅠ in order to pass Level 1 or 2 with ease. If you didn't read my previous articles about "What is TOPIK", Please go back and read them carefully.

2020/06/16 - [Learn Korean] - What is TOPIK ?


What is TOPIK ?

TOPIK (Test of Proficiency In Korean) has been developed, aiming to show how to learn and study Korean language for those who want to learn Korean language, 한글 , as a foreigner and for those who h..

Goal : Attain TOPIK Level 1 or 2

  1. Practice with the questions from previous TOPIK tests

  2. Figure out what kinds of types of the questions you will have

  3. Take a note all types of the questions  you understand and find out how to approach and how to solve them on the actual TOPIK test

  4. Get used to the words from previous TOPIK tests (usually for level 1 or 2, you need to learn around 200 ~ 300 words.)

TOPIK is a kind of test too such as TOEFL and IELTS which means that you need learn a certain language and also should pratice a lot to gain skills to have a test as well. To get the level of TOPIK you want, Please remember the above-mentioned guide lines.


In the test of TOPIKⅠ




  Type of Test

  Number of Q


    Total Score


    1 session

  Listening 40      minutes

    Multiple          Choice 


      0 - 100

     0 - 200

  Reading  60      minutes

    Multiple          Choice


      0 - 100

As you can see, there are total 70 questions in the test of TOPIKⅠ and the marks for each question are as below.


Listening :  3 marks for 20 questions , 4 marks for 10 questions = 100 marks

Reading :   2 marks for 20 questions, 3 marks for 20 questions =  100 marks

If you attain 80 marks or more=you are TOPIK level 1,If you attain 140 marks or more = you are TOPIK level 2     

Once you get TOPIK 1 at least, you can apply for D-4 student visa to study Korean Language at the schools in Korea with very higher chance to get a visa than those who do not have TOPIK level 1. Of course, even if you don't have TOPIK score, you can try to apply and may get a visa. For your information, now in 2020, Uzbekistan students must have TOPIK level 1 to apply for D-4 visa to study in Korea which means without TOPIK level 1, they can't apply for the visa by the policy of foreign students regulations while other students still can apply for D-4 without TOPIK level 1. We insist that all students from all over the world should have TOPIK to have a better chance to get D-4 visa.


Here are 7 types of questions you must get used to and practice a lot in TOPIK 

Type 1 in Listening


Choose the right answers for each question sentence ::  Can you appropriately react with the questions given ? 

  1. Positive / Negative questions  and choose positive or negative answers

  2. Find out the answers for the questions with Interrogative words

  3. Choose the right answers for a simple situation of conversations or dialogues

Type 2 in Listening


Find out right places where people have a conversation or a dialogue ::  Can you figure out the situation in a particular place ? 


Type 3 in Listening


Choose what the speakers think while people are having a conversation  ::  Can you choose what a speaker think ?


Type 4  in Listening


Choose the main topic or a word when people talk   ::  Can you choose a word after listening what people talk about ? 

Type 5  in Listening


Choose a picture  based on the short conversation   ::  Can you choose a picture which describes the situation given? 


Type 6  in Listening


Choose a right sentence after listening short conversation  ::  Can you choose a sentence which is true or false based on the conversation? 


Type 7  in Listening


Find out what the purpose is based on the short conversation or announcement  ::  Can you find out what the conversation or the announcement means? 


In a following posting, We will introduce sample questions for each type of the question so that you can get the picture how to prepare and to study TOPIK Ⅰ. If you have any questions about TOPIK, Please add us in your kakao talk and our ID is as below in the image. Thanks see you soon.




TOPIK CLASS Day 2 review :: The Words We talked  (0) 2020.07.30
Preview for TOPIK class Day 2  (0) 2020.07.28
TOPIK CLASS Day 1  (0) 2020.07.28
Real Time Schedule of TOPIK  (0) 2020.06.16
What is TOPIK ?  (0) 2020.06.16
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