Cheer up ! Korea ! Cheer up ! Korea ! - Keducation

On 4th of July 2020, There were hundreds of lights delivering a message of hope in the night sky over Yeouido Han River Park. It was the event that MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport), a body of Korea government organized the drone performance in the sky where about 300 hundreds drones were flying in order to " Cheer Up Korea !" and to send a message to people in Korea in this unprecedented pandemic situation of Covid 19 , 2020. 

출처 : 국토교통부 홍보 동영상 중  


The drone show standed for "Hope" and "Appreciation" to people who have willingly and spontaneously abided by the policies under pandemic situation in Korea and specially to all people fighting against Covid 19 in medical industry. The messages were not very spectacular but beautiful, wonderful and calm enough to show how Korean government appreciated all people in Korea. You can see the messeages such as " Wash Your Hands" "Social distance " " Thanks to people" and "Wear a Mask" etc including " National Flag 태극기 " in the beautiful night sky in Seoul.

As a person from Korea, feeling proud of the country I was born, I'd like to say " We can get over this together" , " I love all" , really appreciated all and want to give lots of thanks to the doctors, nurses and all people in medical industry , still fighting over Covid 19. 





출처 : 국토교통부 홍보동영상 중

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