초등1학년 시험문제 (해외 영어권 국가):: 한국 초등 3~5학년 수준 비대면 온라인영어 수업-2편 초등1학년 시험문제 (해외 영어권 국가):: 한국 초등 3~5학년 수준 비대면 온라인영어 수업-2편 - Keducation

오랜만에, 2번째 해외 영어권 국가에서 출제되었던 영어 문제를 올려 놓습니다. 국공립 초등학교 문제이므로 질적으로 아주 우수합니다. 비대면 온라인 영어 수업용으로 쓰셔도 좋습니다. 영어 선생님들은 정답이 필요 없으시겠고, 혹시 학부모님들이나 학생들은 정답이 필요하시면, 이메일로 연락을 주시면 보내드리도록 하겠습니다. 문제가 많으므로 충분한 시간이 있으실때 풀어보는 것을 추천드립니다. 여러가지 영역에 대해 연습을 하는 것이므로, 시간을 충분히 가지고, 꼼꼼하게 읽고 풀어보시면 좋겠습니다. 선생님들은 되도록이면, 영어로 설명을 해주셔서, 가능하다면 아이들이 영어 그 자체에 대한 느낌을 받을 수 있도록 하는 것도 나쁘지는 않을 것 같습니다. 어린 학생들 일 수록, 잘 따라 오더군요. 채점을 위한 안내 Direction도 삽입을 해놓아서, 실력을 점수로 객곽적으로 보고 싶다면, 채점을 하셔도 무방하겠습니다. 초등학교 1학년 문제이긴 하지만, 간혹 어려운 단어도 나옵니다. 당황하지 마시고, 주변 단어와 문장을 읽고 답을 유추하고, 생각해 보는 것도 좋은 학습 방법입니다. 정답은 정말 맨 마지막에 보는게 좋습니다. 한 번 볼때와 그 다음 두 번 볼때 또 나름대로 배우는 것이 새로 생기곤 합니다. 그럼 시작해보겠습니다.

한국어도 강의 하고 있습니다!

Section A: Vocabulary Part 1  (5 marks)

Look at the pictures carefully. Fill in each blank with a correct word from the box. Use each word once only.

Bread       cake       cap     computer      fireman        helmet     policeman    swing        television       roundabout


1. Bryan puts on his ________ when he goes to the beach. 


2. The twins enjoy playing on the __________    at the playground.       


3. The ______________ uses handcuffs in his work.


4. The pupils enjoy using the __________  during their enrichment lessons.


5. Mrs Jang told Lynda to buy a loaf of ________ from the supermarket.


Section B: Vocabulary Part 2  (10 marks)

Read each sentence carefully. Write the number of the correct answer in the brackets. Do not fill in the blanks.


6. Mr Jang has grown a ______ above his upper lip.


1)    beard     

2)    goatee

3)    sideburn

4)    moustache


7. Molly and her sister love green leafy vegetables. They bought some __________ on their way home


1)    chillies

2)    carrots

3)    spinach

4)    tomatoes


8. Mrs Kim is going out for dinner. She wears a _____ on her wrist.


1) tie

2) ring

3) watch

4) clock


9. "To have a set of healthy teeth, you need to have your teeth checked by a _______ regularly, " the teacher advised

      her pupils.


1) pilot

2) cashier

3) soldier

4) dentist


10. I have warned you many times that using the computer for long hours may lead to bad eye sight. Very soon, you

      will have to visit the _________ for an eye check-up.


 1) doctor

 2) dentist

 3) optician

 4) veterinarian


11. The firefighter uses a ________ to spray water on the burning shop.


1)    tap

2)    pail

3)    hose

4)    ladder


12. The construction worker has to wear a pair of safety _________ so that he will not slip on the muddy ground.


1)    socks

2)    boots

3)    slippers

4)    sandals


13. Alan has a mole on his________, next to his nose.


1)    leg

2)    ears

3)    neck

4)    cheek


14. Nick's grandfather can only hear with the help of hearing aids as he is partially ________


1)    dumb

2)    mute

3)    deaf

4)    blind


15. The pupils are donating twenty _________ of milk to the charity home at Gangnam Road.


1)    bags

2)    slices

3)    loaves

4)    cartons




Section C:  Grammar Part 1 (10 marks)

Choose the correct answer. Write the number of the correct answer in the brackets.


16. Linda is excited about her birthday party. She is wearing __________ favourite dress that is sewn with beads.


1)    his

2)    her

3)    our

4)    their


17. The surgeon has _________ long list of patients to operate on this week.


1)    a

2)    an

3)    the

4)    any 


18. Last week, I met Mrs Lee and her husband at the 농협 Mart. _________were going to the food center for lunch.


1)    I

2)    He

3)    She

4)    They


19. The boys tidy their room by _________ before they leave for school.


1)    itself

2)    himself

3)    yourselves

4)    themselves


20. Shin has accidentally added too _______ sugar to the pot of tea. It is too sweet now.


1)    few

2)    little

3)    many

4)    much


21. My uncle ___________ no time to visit us because he works as a pilot and he is away from home most of the



1)    has

2)    had

3)    have

4)    having


22. ____________ song did she play on the guitar just now?


1)    Who

2)    Why

3)    When

4)    What


23.  ___________ is taking us to the theme park later?


1)    Who

2)    How

3)    What

4)    Where


24.  I _________ living in the city of London. There are many beautiful attractions there.


1)    is

2)    am

3)    are

4)    were


25. The cashier always _________ the money before she returned change to the customers.


1)    count

2)    counts

3)    counted

4)    was counting  


Section D: Grammar Part 2  (5 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the brackets.


26. The story books in that shop are _________ (cheap) than those found in the bookshops in shopping centers.


27. Mrs. Kim bought a dozen __________ (mango). She wants to give some to her neighbour.


28. The carpenter has to __________ (hit) the nail in the frame after he mounts the picture.


29. Joan and Jane _________ (skip) now.


30. The door bell _________ (ring) now. Please answer it


Section E: Grammar Part 3  (5 marks)

Choose the correct word from the box below and write the word in the blanks. Use each word once only.


between           in             on                 under                in front of


31. She slept ________ the guest room last night.


32. To prevent her sons from fighting, Mrs. Kim has to sit ____________ the two of them.


33. The old lady hid her money ________ her bed.


34. Please lay the table cloth ________ the table.


35. We will wait for you ____________ the church.


Section F: Comprehension  Cloze (5 marks)

has               have            healthy             him             hungry             little             me          small            their          we


One Monday morning, while Ken and his brother, Harry were on their way to school, they saw a little kitten lying on a pavement.


"The kitten looks (36) ________ and it needs food," said Ken. "Do you (37) ________ any extra food with you now?" he asked Harry.  "I'm sorry," said Harry. "Mom has packed just  enough for (38) ___________ "


The two brothers thought for a while. They were very caring. They both gave the kitten a (39) ________ of their own food. The kitten ate the  food and followed the boys to school and then to their home. The boys were very excited about  (40) _____________ new found pet.  They decided to call it 'Tammy'.


Section G: Comprehension  MCQ (5 marks)

Read the invitation card carefully and the  answer the questions that follow.


There will be games for the guests

and special prizes will be given out

to the  winners.


Announcing the arrival of


(born to Mr and Mrs Gilbert Phan)

on Friday, 2 February 2007.



Mr / Mrs / Miss / Mdm Jamie Lee

is specially invited


to join the proud parents and family for a lunch at

38 Rocket Street, USA 767234

on 2 March 2007 at 1 p.m.




Choose the correct answer and write its  number in the brackets.


41. Joanna is the name of _____________.


1) a baby boy

2) the baby's mother

3) Jamie's daughter

4) Mrs. Phan's new-born baby girl


42. Baby Joanna was born on ___________.


1) Monday

2) Tuesday

3) Friday

4) Sunday


43. In the invitation card, the ______________ is not given customers.


1)    time for lunch

2)    number of prizes

3)    day of baby’s arrival

4)    name of the new-born baby


44. The lunch is held to celebrate ___________.


1)    Games day

2)    the birth of Jamie Lee

3)    the arrival of a new baby

4)    the wedding of Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Phan


45. Those who are winners in the games will be given __________.


1)    prizes

2)    sweets

3)    more lunch

4)    small tokens


Section H: Comprehension  Open-ended (10 marks)

Read the conversation between Mrs. Samuel, Janet and Judy carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Janet: mommy, there are so many types of vegetables in your basket. What are the names of these vegetables?


Mrs. Samuel: They are spinach, lettuce, long beans and cabbage


Judy: Why do we need to eat so much vegetables, Mom?


Mrs. Samuel: Vegetables must be included in all your meals, Judy They will keep you healthy and you will not fall sick



Janet: How do you prepare vegetable dishes?


Mrs. Samuel: I can cook a delicious dish by frying cabbage with beef. The lettuce can be eaten without cooking.

                      I can add tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots to it to make a salad.


46. What is Janet’s mother’s name?


Her name is ______________________________.


47. What vegetables are found in Mrs. Samuel’s basket?


They are ___________________________________________




48. Why does Mrs. Samuel like to buy lots of vegetables?


Eating vegetables keeps ___________________________




49. Which word in the passage tells you that the dish is good and tasty?


The word is ______________________________________.


50. How does Mrs. Samuel make a salad?







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