초등1학년 시험문제:: 한국 초등 3-5학년 수준 비대면 온라인영어수업 초등1학년 시험문제:: 한국 초등 3-5학년 수준 비대면 온라인영어수업 - Keducation

이번 포스팅에서는 해외 영어권 국가에서 출제되었던 국립 초등학교 영어문제를 모두 다시 문서로 편집하여 바꾸어 정리를 하여 올려 놓겠습니다. 비대면 온라인 영어 수업용으로 쓰셔도 무방합니다. 정답은 댓글이나, 이메일로 연락을 주시면 문제지와 함께 보내드리도록 하겠습니다. 문제가 제법 많습니다. 시간을 충분히 가지고 푸시고, 연습용이므로 부담없이 글을 꼼꼼이 읽어 보고 풀어보시도록 학생들에게 지도를 해주시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 모든 문제는 영어로 되어 있으며, 채점을 위한 안내 문장도 표시해 놓았습니다. 초등학교 1학년 문제이지만, 국내 초등학교 3-5학년이 풀 수 있을 것 같습니다. 

Section 1: Vocabulary (20 marks)  Choose the correct answer for each blank  (10 x 1 mark)

 1. I have a ____________. His name is Peter.


  A) sister

  B) brother

  C) grandmother  


2. Tom and Ben are on the _______. They have a fun time bumping up and down.         


  A) slide

  B) see-saw

  C) swings


3. Mary is crying. She is _________ because her friend does not want to play with her.


  A) sad

  B) happy

  C) excited


4.  A ________ is the young of a frog.


A)    cub

B)    tadpole

C)    caterpillar


5. A lamb _________ for its mother.


A)    honks

B)    bleats·

C)    neighs 


6. The __________ cooks food in a restaurant.


A)    chef

B)    baker

C)    waiter


7. Thomas helps her mother to _____ the table for dinner.


A)    fix

B)    lay

C)    make


8. Grandfather's hair is as _______ as snow.


A)    white                

B)    black

C)    green


9. He goes to the __________ to buy some stamps.


A)    police post                   

B)    post office

C)    food court


10. He goes to the __________ to buy some stamps.


A)    police post                   

B)    post office

C)    food court


10. The person who writes a book is called an _________.


A) artist

B) author

C) illustrator


A.    Vocabulary Cloze. (5 x 1mark)

Read the passage below carefully. Fill in each blank with the most suitable word. Use each word once only. 










Mr Lee works in a garden. He is a ____(11)____ He waters the plants every day. His____(12)_____ flower is the rose. Sometimes, he sees a _____(13)_____ collecting twigs to make a nest. Other times, he sees a ______(14)______spinning a web. He ___(15)_____ his job very much.


B. Vocabulary Cloze (5 x 1mark) Read the passage below carefully. Fill in each blank with the most suitable word.


I am Susan. My best ___(16)___ is Jane. In class, we sit ___(17)____ each other. During recess, we __(18)_____ catch in the sun. After school, we ___(19)_____ home together. Jane lives in a flat but I live in a ___(20)______. We live in the same neighbourhood.


Section 2: Grammar (25 marks) Choose the correct answer for each blank (10 x 1mark) 

21. ______ ostrich lays eggs.


A) A

B) An

C) Many


22. The dogs ______ loudly at the stranger.


A} bark

B) barks

C) barking


23. Ray is as ______ as Jack.


A) short

B) shorter

C) shortest


24. There _____ too much sugar in the coffee.


A) is

B) are

C) have


25. There are _______ children playing on the roundabout.



A)  any

B) many

C) much


26. Three pupils are able to _______ the words correctly.


A) spell

B) spells

C) spelling


27. Pour some water _______ the jar.


A) in

B) out

C) into


28. Oliver is strong and healthy. He can __________ very fast.


A) ran

B) runs

C) run


29. My father and I ______ very well.


A) skip       

B) skips

C) skipping


30. Ken and Suzy left ______ pencil cases in school.

A) his

B) her

C) their


Editing (5 x 1mark)

Each of the underlined WORD contains either a spelling or grammatical mistake. A wrong or missing punctuation is indicated by a circle. Write the correct punctuation mark or word In each box.


Editing Questions


Rearrange the words to form a sentence or a question. Begin your answer with a capital letter and end It with a full-stop or question mark. (2 x 1 mark)


36.  have, sandwich, may I,  a 




37. does not, Tom, like, exercise, to




Circle the correct word from within the brackets. (3 X 1mark)


38. Hannah is pointing to (this, that, those) birds in the sky.


39. (That, These, Those) pencil in Paul's hand is blunt.


40. (This, That, These) oranges in the basket are fresh.



Grammar Cloze. (5 x 1mark)

Read the passage below carefully. Fill in each blank with the most suitable word. Use each word once only.











Jack has a toothache. ___(41)___ hurts badly. Mother takes ____(42)____ to the dentist. The dentist ___(43)___ a kind lady. She pulls his tooth out gently. She shows him how to clean ___(44)____ teeth. Mother an Jack thank ____(45)___. They go home happily.


Section 3 : Comprehension (10 marks)

It is Monday. The children are excited because of the Skipping Contest. Suzy and Jane go to the quadrangle to watch the contest. They eat their sandwiches as they watch the contest. Twenty children take part in the contest. The winner of the contest is the girl who can do the most number of skips. Jane wins the contest: She does one hundred skips. After the contest, all the children get a free cup of orange juice each.

Read this passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Choose the correct answer for each blank


46. The Skipping Contest is on __________.


A) Tuesday

B)  Friday

C)  Monday


47. The contest is held in the ______________.


A) canteen

B)  quadrangle

C)  playground


48. _________ children take part in the contest


A) Two

B)  Twelve

C)  Twenty

49. _________ is the winner of the contest.


A) Jane

B)  Suzy 

C)  Tim


50. Everyone gets free ________.


A) ropes

B)  sandwiches

C)  orange juice 



Read this passage as below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow

The children are very excited to go to the zoo. They will have breakfast with AJ, the orangutan and Elsa, the chimpanzee. Mrs Kim, their teacher, tells the children to sit at the table quietly and wait tor the zookeepers to bring AJ and Elsa out. The children take turns to shake hands with the animals. When it is Mary's tum, she is too afraid of AJ. She walks away without shaking its hand.

After that, the children have a big breakfast of ham and cheese sandwiches. AJ and Elsa eat enormous bunch of bananas. The children take photographs of Elsa and AJ enjoying the bananas.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (5 x 1mark)



51. Where are the children?


They are ________________________________________.


52. Who is Mrs Kim ?




53. Why does Mary walk away from the orangutan?




54. What do the children have for breakfast ?


They have ______________________________________.


55. Which word in the passage has the same meaning as 'very big'?


The word is ____________________________________.




Section 4: Composition (5 marks) 

Look at the picture carefully. Write five complete sentences in a paragraph about it. You may use the words given below.












At The Park


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